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I recently removed the node marking the University of Illinois and named the boundary way instead, so it now looks like this.

The problem is that while the placement of the name label ("University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign") is in the geographical center of campus, Kirby/Florida Avenue (street under label) is the south border of the "main" part of campus, most of what's south of that is farmland.

Is there a way to move the label in the rendering? Should I maybe restore the node in this case?

asked 03 Jul '13, 02:36

henrikhodne's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First: the link you gave shows Stanford.* You want this link: UIUC campus.

Second: the general rule is, don't tag for the renderer; your tags should reflect reality and let the renderer sort out the details.

That said, in some circumstances there are some tricks you can pull (e.g. tagging separate areas and then linking them with a relation); but in the given circumstance I think it's fine. U of I, like a lot of other colleges, has a big campus with some areas denser than others. The map reflects that. (It may even be better with the label where it is, because then it's not blocking a view of the more densely-built part of campus!)

*OSM makes it easy to do this by accident---it doesn't update the URL in the location bar as you move around. To get a URL that points to what you're looking at "right now", make sure to first click the "Permalink" link in the lower right of the window.

permanent link

answered 03 Jul '13, 05:09

blahedo's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Ah, sorry about the wrong link. I originally had the correct link copied, but then overwrote it as I was sending a link to the Stanford map to a friend.

(04 Jul '13, 15:48) henrikhodne

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question asked: 03 Jul '13, 02:36

question was seen: 3,396 times

last updated: 04 Jul '13, 15:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum