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I want to mark a street which is blocked for cars but free for bicyles and pedestrians

asked 01 Jul '13, 20:49

Brano%20Stofko's gravatar image

Brano Stofko
accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Jul '13, 22:36

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey

How best to represent this depends on how the street is actually blocked.

Here is one example where the footpath/sidewalk along the main road is raised, but there's a join to the old road (closed off to prevent it being used as a rat-run). Here the implicit access tags on the "highway=footway" prevent vehicular access (in your case you'd want to pick an appropriate highway tag and add "bicycle=yes" if bicycle access isn't implicit.

There's a slightly different example here. In this example there road's still there, but there's something large preventing vehicular access (actually a large planter rather than a bollard). There are also explicit access signs on a short stretch of road, which have been mapped.

So to sum up:

  1. Split the road as required.
  2. Choose an appropriate highway tag for each section, if necessary.
  3. Add extra access tags, if necessary.
  4. Add any explicit obstructions (e.g. bollards).
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answered 01 Jul '13, 22:51

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

A search of the Wiki (documentation) using altenativly barrier or bollard should answer your question.

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answered 01 Jul '13, 21:41

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 01 Jul '13, 21:44

(01 Jul '13, 21:44) gnurk

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question asked: 01 Jul '13, 20:49

question was seen: 3,247 times

last updated: 01 Jul '13, 22:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum