Hi, I did my first editing in OSM (Changeset: 16744378). I have added a footpath in the area that I live in. When I view it in the OpenStreetMap I can see it's there in the levels -1 -2 -3. However when I zoom in at the highest level my footpath disappears from the map. I assume that when zoomed in at the highest level you should see it though. Any suggestion? |
To sum this up: The map tiles are not rendered instantly, meaning your data changes do not immediately show up on all zoom levels of the map rendering at openstreetmap.org. Also see that other question and answers: road-appears-and-disappears-at-different-scales. Your browser caches map tiles, meaning you have to clear your browser cache or do a "full" non-cached reload of the website to get the new map tiles, e.g. by pressing Ctrl-Shift-R in Firefox. Services based on OSM are not connected to some kind of "master database", but use snapshots of OSM data. This means you'll have to wait some time before your OSM data changes propagate to the service you are interested in. This time delay is dependent on the external service, and not on OSM, and will vary from service to service.
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You have deleted all tags of way 227577828 in changeset 16744378. The tags were still there in changeset 16719234. If you flush your browser cache you will probably find that the footpath is completely gone on the map (but still exists as a way without tags in the database). 1
Yes, I removed the tags, but for another reason. After I added the footpath, I made a test via http://www.yournavigation.org/ to see if navigation over the footpath was possible. But everytime I tried to force navigation (foot or bike)over the path it didn't work (always took another route which was not the shortest). I thought this maybe had something to do with the tags I added. So as a test I removed them from the path. But this doesn't seem to be the solution, as now the path seems to have disappeared completely. You can see I am a complete newbee in this matter so I probably do al lot of stuff wrong. But I want to learn and contribute to the project. Any help would be very appreciated.
(29 Jun '13, 09:39)
Take a look at the footnote. It says: Routing data from planet file: 2013-05-21. You have to wait until the routing data will get updated. Note that the visible data is completely different from the underlying routing data.
(29 Jun '13, 10:15)
scai ♦
Do you know at which time intervals the routing data gets updated?
(29 Jun '13, 12:52)
The YOURS help page states The route data is updated approximately once a week after a new planet dump is available [...] and planet dumps are released weekly. As the current routing data is older than a few weeks you can see that this statement seems to be no longer true.
(29 Jun '13, 14:16)
scai ♦