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I'm new to OSM/Basecamp/Mapping etc so sorry if this is a stupid question. I recently installed Basecamp 4.2.1 and successfully got the UK OSM loaded (OpenfietsmapLite). I'm going on a cycle tour of Iceland soon so wanted to add the OpenfietsmapLite for Iceland but reading some of the fora realised that this would just overwright the UK map I'd installed. There are some tips about using JaVaWa GMTK to change the id/names etc to allow you to add multiple maps so I did that. UK map was fine after doing that. When I now download any new maps they just appear as a plain white rectangle where the map should be. I've tried deleting all the maps that I've installed using JaVaWa GMTK and adding them again but get the same result. I've also reinstalled Basecamp but that didn't have any effect either. Any help would be appreciated. I'm running XP SP3. Thanks.

asked 28 Jun '13, 17:50

NielC's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Nov '14, 13:12

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Are the maps installed on a Garmin (model?) or your PC? When I have sucessfully loaded an OSM img file on my garmins (vista HCX and Nuvi 1310t), I can view the maps on the PC screen (in base camp) while it is connected but they disappear when the garmin is unplugged.The Vista will only display a map called gmapsupp.img, on the Nuvi I can select one of several file names.

(28 Jun '13, 21:31) andy mackey

Andy, They are installed on a PC. I will eventually put them on an Garmin Edge 810 but I don't have a SD card for this yet. That is the next thing to do.

(28 Jun '13, 22:34) NielC

If that Garmin will only "see" the one name (gmapsupp) I would get two SDs. I have also struggled to get a map file stored on the PC to display. One did and one would not. So I usually now put it on the garmin first, The garmin city navigator map on the car sat Nuvi also shows in Basecamp. just a thought maybe the .img file on an SD in a card reader may display, I will try that later.

(29 Jun '13, 07:58) andy mackey

Yes. I took my latest OSM img file out of the NUVI and put in an SD adapter and plugged it in to my win7 Pc and I can display it in basecamp.

(29 Jun '13, 08:23) andy mackey

Thanks for the responses. I've since got a SD card and loaded the maps onto that via the GPS and it works a treat both on the GPS and and on Basecamp. It's a niggle that I can't get it working on Basecamp on its own but I can live with that. Cheers, Niel.

(30 Jun '13, 10:31) NielC

I can confirm something went wrong with the Icelandic Openfietsmap. Only at some zoomlevels the western part of the map is visible, the eastern part (almost whole Iceland) is covered by an empty basemap (the map data is in the map, but not visible in Basecamp or Mapsource). It has something to do with the new 'improved' overview map which is clearly not working as it should. I'll investigate this, thanks Niel for reporting this.

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answered 02 Jul '13, 09:22

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 02 Jul '13, 09:24

I have uploaded an Openfietsmap full version for Iceland (including contour lines):

It contains a pc version as well as a gmapsupp.img for the GPS.

Have fun!

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answered 03 Jul '13, 09:50

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

I have an OSM map on my PC that Basecamp will run ok, which I got from from specifically for mapsource/base camp.Other img ones that are for loading on a garmin device would not work from PC in Basecamp ( for me ). Basecamp versions of img files are harder to find on the web than the ones ready to put on a garmin. I don't know what the difference is, but I work around it with this solution. I use the prebuilt img files that are for garmin devices (seach OSM on Garmin) several sources. When I have the map installed on the device or a Micro/SD card I can plug this in to the PC and the map is available for display in Basecamp. the only down side of this is if you do not have a garmin plugged in that will take an SD or as enough memory with the map on it, I would be stuck. EDIT Glad this works for you. I just copied the same map to PC Basecamp couldn't see it, so then I stuck a memory stick in the usb and moved the map there and it works so if you have a stick you can have map on garmin and the PC.

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answered 29 Jun '13, 08:36

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 02 Jul '13, 07:16

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question asked: 28 Jun '13, 17:50

question was seen: 8,780 times

last updated: 02 Nov '14, 13:12

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