Hi, In some streets in my area, there are no streets signs, even for some major roads. Is it acceptable for the OSM Community to deduce the street name from the address of a single building which is publically accessible in this street ?
Thanks in advance, metatech |
You could use the collected and visible names and use them in osm, but I would check it with the local municipality before adding it. But asking with some knowledge is easier then would you accidently know the name of this street, way or alley. 2
What exactly do you mean with "check it with the local municipality"?
(28 Jun '13, 15:55)
He probably means that you should check the official street register / street list or similar, if available.
(28 Jun '13, 16:09)
simple, make a phone call to or drop-in at the local authorities residence to check the names you found, just to be shure
(28 Jun '13, 16:15)