I would like guidance on mapping a water pipeline. It is a round pipe approximately 1.5 meters in diameter. It exits the ground on one side of a river, crosses the river on pylons set in the river bed, then re-enters the ground on the opposing bank. In addition, there is a footpath (no public access) on top of it.
This question is marked "community wiki".
There is man_made=pipeline with type=water and location=overground. You can also set the operator if known. For the footway just additionally set the usual tags, like highway=footway, access=private, bridge=yes and layer=1. There is no need to map the pylons. Mapping the pylons ("crosses the river on pylons set in the river bed") could be interesting for waterway users - the pylons are like bollards to them.
(28 Jun '13, 11:57)
aseerel4c26 ♦
That's true and applies to lots of bridges.
(28 Jun '13, 12:04)
scai ♦
Agreed, there's a lot to do.
(28 Jun '13, 12:59)
There are virtually no waterway users. It may come as a surprise to folks outside Taiwan, but that is the truth on the ground. It's only in recent years that citizens were allowed to own boats. Canoes and kayaks are virtually unknown. 'Tis sad indeed. Still, mapping the pylons is possible by air photo alone. The walkway above the pipeline is company access only.
(11 Feb '14, 05:08)