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What format, or what process, do I need to do with the planet.osm file in order to serve it out with an OGC compliant WMS server? I'm reading a lot about converting ot to a database, but is that format OGC compliant or is that for some other type of serving? Thanks!


asked 27 Jun '13, 02:07

jjmil03's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You need to import your data into a database, most likely with osm2pgsql or imposm, and then set up a WMS with a suitable map style definition. The map style definition is key here, and it must match both your WMS software and the import program you're using. The map style of course controls how your map looks like and it is very likely that it it will not look like the map on

Possible configurations include:

The Mapnik-based solutions will allow you to come closest to the "standard OSM" look but the UMN Mapserver solution is the most widely used for WMS.

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answered 27 Jun '13, 07:50

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


So you need a three-tier architecture:

  • OSM data in a database, which has to be synchronized to the main OSM Db (if you want current OSM data and not a static "OSM as of 2013-06-27" snapshot)
  • a rendering engine that generates images from the OSM data in the Db
  • a WMS server software that stitches the images together and serves them according to OGC request/response rules
(27 Jun '13, 15:08) gormo

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question asked: 27 Jun '13, 02:07

question was seen: 6,127 times

last updated: 27 Jun '13, 15:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum