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I'm a bit lost with the OSRM documentation. Do you have to set up a web server after you have installed it? How to you actually use OSRM once it is installed? I'm totally new to this, so if someone could break it down kindergarden style, I would appreciate it.

I'm trying to host an offline OSM server, and allow people to use it to create routes on a private network. What would the primary install pieces be, aside from OSM and OSRM?

Thanks, sorry for the newbie questions.

asked 26 Jun '13, 05:43

jjmil03's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm assuming you've already prepared the data with osrm-extract and osrm-prepare. When you then run osrm-routed, OSRM starts up its own server; you don't need to provide a further server. By default this listens for requests on port 5000, though you probably want to change this if you're deploying a public instance.

This server simply provides an API where you can send correctly formatted requests to http://your.routing.server:5000/viaroute. OSRM will reply with the route in JSON. The exact details of the request and response formats are documented on the OSRM wiki.

If you want to provide a graphical frontend, allowing users to create routes by entering placenames or clicking points, you'll need to either implement this yourself, or use Project-OSRM-Web. The latter provides the interface you see at (Note that this is licensed as AGPL, which is quite aggressive for a frontend project, so you may choose - like me - to develop your own on top of Leaflet instead.)

If routing is your only concern, you don't need to set up an OSM server (using the Rails code) at all. You can simply use third-party tiles for the background map (with the usual proviso that you abide by their usage policy), and download a planet extract from Geofabrik for the data which OSRM consumes.

Hope this answers your question, but feel free to post follow-up comments if anything is not clear.

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answered 26 Jun '13, 07:57

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

I also wanted to serve it out with a WMS server. Still need to find out what format I would have to convert to, if any, or if this particular WMS server can serve OSM. Thanks for the answer....the OSRM wiki either isn't all that user friendly, or it's just me trying to find info in it...


(26 Jun '13, 13:01) jjmil03

I just found out about OSRM from this question so take this answer with a little salt. I'm not sure if you found it but they have a page on building/installing the server. It sounds like once you install it you also need .osm data files which can be downloaded from a variety of places. If you still need help I would recommend contacting their mailing list.

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answered 26 Jun '13, 21:45

Asher's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yeah I read that, but it stops right where I need the next bit of info. Awesome, its running, now how to I access it? How to I utilize it? The Project-OSRM-Web from the above post should probably be added to the instructions, or at least a few different options as to how the end user would use the data.

I don't mean to criticize, but it's just difficult to follow along if you don't already know a ton about mapping. Thanks all for the help, any other suggestions would be great.

(27 Jun '13, 01:57) jjmil03

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question asked: 26 Jun '13, 05:43

question was seen: 24,476 times

last updated: 27 Jun '13, 03:21

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