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I'm working on a project on HistoryPin, which already has google base maps uploaded to its site. I want to allow people to draw old railroad lines on the base map using Potlatch, and also upload GPS traces if possible.

asked 25 Jun '13, 19:10

yankwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Apr '15, 04:15

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Potlatch (1 and 2) is Free software, so you can do whatever you like with it without breaking its licence conditions. However, Google's terms of service probably will not allow you to derive a separate database of information from its maps and imagery unless you use its Map API at least.

If you do deploy a version of Potlatch for this project, it must not connect to OSM in any way, so you would need to provide your own servers to store your data on. This would have to run the OSM "Rails Port" as it's known, as Potlatch can't save data to any other type of server.

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answered 25 Jun '13, 19:42

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

edited 25 Jun '13, 19:46

6 states "You may not use Google Maps or Google Earth as the basis for tracing your own maps or other geographic content."

(25 Jun '13, 21:29) EdLoach ♦

Potlatch 2 has a hard-coded block on sources of imagery which contain the string 'google.'. You can remove this by taking the relevant line out of potlatch2.mxml and recompiling.

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answered 25 Jun '13, 22:41

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 25 Jun '13, 19:10

question was seen: 4,281 times

last updated: 08 Apr '15, 04:15

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