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I generated an OSM elevation contours file (using srtm2osm, from SRTM data), and want to use that in JOSM as a guide to mapping rivers, but can't find any way to make JOSM show the contours.

Using JOSM, I downloaded the relevant region from OSM, created a new layer, opened the contours file (which took a while to open, because it's a big file) but I can't find any way to make the contours visible. The contours file does appear to be correct, as I successfully used mkgmap to show its contents on my GPS.

So, am I missing something? Or does JOSM deliberately not show elevation contours?

asked 22 Jan '11, 16:24

tongro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 22 Jan '11, 18:22

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦


It's really a Java issue, affecting any Java program, not just JOSM. You specify the memory allocation in the Java command. To allow up to 1GB you would do something like: java -Xmx1000M /usr/share/josm/josm.jar

(26 Jan '11, 21:35) tongro

The question has been closed for the following reason "User solved his own issue" by Richard 22 Jan '11, 18:22

Apologies, it turned out to be a memory issue. The file opening was failing silently. Increasing the Java memory allocation worked.

Matter closed.

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answered 22 Jan '11, 17:29

tongro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 22 Jan '11, 16:24

question was seen: 8,128 times

last updated: 26 Jan '11, 21:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum