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Hi all,

I am cycling the Avenue Verte in a few weeks ( Dieppe to Paris). Got the route loaded in to the Garmin via Velo Maps France but was wondering how to reverse the route back to Paris. Can this be done or will the Garmin be able to do it once on the route?

Any help is appreciated.



asked 24 Jun '13, 18:53

craig%20malkin's gravatar image

craig malkin
accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jun '13, 17:16

stephan75's gravatar image



Almost all Garmin models have a different interface, so it would have been helpful if you told us which model you use.

(25 Jun '13, 22:58) cartinus


In case it’s of use to anyone I’ve just knocked this little Windows program up which reverses my Strava gpx files so far without problem.

If the link doesn’t work the program can be found searching for ReverseStravaGpx on SourceForge. Tip: if it doesn’t show check results aren’t being filtered by an OS other than Windows.

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answered 07 Jul '16, 10:58

Antony%20Fox's gravatar image

Antony Fox
accept rate: 0%

Your Garmin should be able to reverse the route. How to do this depends on your specific device.

Alternatively you can use a tool like GPSBabel to reverse the route. This can be done by using the reverse filter. You can find it in the GUI at filters -> Routes & Tracks -> Reverse. For the command line mode the correct flags are gpsbabel -i gpx -f input.gpx -t -r -x reverse -o gpx -F output.gpx.

Howto for the Garmin etrex 20/30: main menu -> Route Planner, select a route and choose Reverse Route

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answered 24 Jun '13, 19:02

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 25 Jun '13, 17:33


For a GUI tool you may wish to use

Individual tracks and routes can be reversed.

Disclaimer: I'm the current maintainer of this program.

(26 Jun '13, 01:15) robbieonsea

On the vista HCX if the route is not active

  1. main menu
  2. routes
  3. hi-light route of choice
  4. select route
  5. press lower left button
  6. choose reverse route
  7. navigate
  8. follow road
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answered 25 Jun '13, 15:57

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 25 Jun '13, 23:20

On my Garmin eTrex Vista HCX, "routes / active / menu button / reverse route (second item on menu)" reverses a route. If you're routing "following the road" then stop routing, select the route and "menu button / reverse route (second item on menu)" works.

Of course - your Garmin model might be different - if you let us know what it is we may be able to provide better information.

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answered 24 Jun '13, 23:09

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 24 Jun '13, 18:53

question was seen: 10,984 times

last updated: 07 Jul '16, 10:58

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