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In Germany we have many postal offices in other shops like bakery etc. Is it necessary to tag both as individual POIs or is a way to describe that there is a postal-office from Deutsche Post, Hermes, DHL etc. in a shop?

As the have the same opening hours, phone number, location etc. it seems not to create seperate POIs.

asked 21 Jun '13, 18:10

Ogmios's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

Yes, the accepted method is to add one POI per shop. The rule is "one entity, one OSM object", and if the postal offices is somehow separate from the rest of the shop (even if it's only a separate counter), then a POI of its own seems appropriate.

As to the opening hours, address etc: There is no need to map them redundantly. Map the main shop as an area, and put the POI node inside that area. Then just tag the main shop; most people (and hopefully software) will understand that the opening hours are "inherited" from the main shop (because the POI is located inside the shop).

This "inheritance" is used in several cases in OSM: For example, when tagging sites with a large area and several buildings (schools, big companies), typically all tags (name, type etc.) go on the area, and the buildings only get tags specific to that building.

That said, you could also just put multiple tags on the main shop; but this only works well if the tags do not conflict: shop=supermarket and amenity=post_office would work, but e.g. a bakery inside a supermarket would not (because both use shop=).

permanent link

answered 21 Jun '13, 19:16

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

edited 21 Jun '13, 19:18

Thank you very much. Your answer was most helpful. Maybe you could have a look:

But I'm still not sure how to get the "inherited" address and opening hours when using the data in a website.

(21 Jun '13, 19:59) Ogmios

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question asked: 21 Jun '13, 18:10

question was seen: 2,375 times

last updated: 21 Jun '13, 19:59

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