Hello, I would like to print the map on the size of 4x6 meters to my room. The problem is that the biggest export what I can do from a designated area of the scale of 1: 135 000 and a resolution of 2433 x 1610. This gives a map of size 84.17 cm (33 ") and 56.20 cm (22"). My question is - what I need to do to get the image size of 4 to 6 meters? Kajetan |
I only have an A4 printer and to see some detail a series of screen prints would be the simplest solution. I have exported some small area pngs and jpegs but I expect that if you try to export large area the request will be rejected because it puts too much load on system resources. This bit in the wiki will give some more info http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_on_Paper#As_a_big_image_map Thank you very much for your help - this is just what I was looking for! K.
(21 Jun '13, 01:26)