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The default edit view in Potlatch 2 displays a large box full of pictures headed by "Add new points by dragging them onto the map" at the left of the window. It's not something that I'd ever want to use, and it takes up a lot of space. How do I make it go away and never return?

I'd have expected an option under "Options" or something, but it doesn't seem to be there.

asked 21 Jan '11, 21:54

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

EDIT: my answer is "You can't do that, but you can suggest it as a wishlist item on P2 wiki page" Log in with your osm username and password

That pane is used to tag stuff so you wont get more space by removing the icons. I can understand that you don't want those pictures to load though, and having an option to skip that icon pane, or simple mode going directly to advanced pane would be nice...

To get a bit more room you can always press M (as in Fullscreen potlatch)

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answered 22 Jan '11, 11:38

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 23 Jan '11, 07:46

It's not the load time issue; more just the distraction! I can understand that once you click on something the tags need to be displayed somewhere (and in that space is where has been chosen), but when something isn't selected it would also be nice to have a bit more map visible.

(22 Jan '11, 13:49) SomeoneElse ♦

From an UI perspective it's better to have things that don't pop up, e.g. what happens if you select something in the far left corner. The answer is "you can't do that, but you can suggest it as a wishlist item on"

(22 Jan '11, 17:10) emj

Ha ha "To get a bit more room you can always press M (as in Fullscreen potlatch)" I did it once without knowing the shortcut and could not do it again, until now ... ;-)

(03 Jan '12, 19:56) gerdami

Could be very problematic. What do you do about loading map data - do you always load enough for the area underneath the panel (imposing a 20%ish penalty on those who are happy with it)? What happens when you select a way on the left hand of the screen? (You can't do anything with the way because the tag panel has popped up over it!) And so on.

I wouldn't say "no way" and maybe someone will do it one day, but I can't see it bubbling to the top of my own priority list any time soon. For long-term enhancements like this the wiki page is probably more appropriate than trac.

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answered 22 Jan '11, 18:16

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Fair enough. I can understand the move to having the tag entry bit at the left rather than underneath now that the default screen format is widescreen.

(23 Jan '11, 01:35) SomeoneElse ♦

I think a lot of the screen layout was conceived so that Dave (Stubbs) could use it on his netbook. :)

(23 Jan '11, 13:45) Richard ♦

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question asked: 21 Jan '11, 21:54

question was seen: 7,412 times

last updated: 03 Jan '12, 19:56

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