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Hi the Palisades Interstate Parkway that runs through New York and New Jersey does not allow commercial vehicles. So how do I add that to the system?

asked 19 Jun '13, 20:06

tomljr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

what kind of vehicle is commercial, rather unclear IMHO ? A bus or hgv, delivery service or just a cab, which vehicles are excluded ? Otherwise just use the value no.

(19 Jun '13, 20:26) Hendrikklaas

Bearing in mind the comment by Hendrikklaas, but assuming you are referring to trucks, the standard tagging is hgv=no (hgv is British legal english for Heavy Goods Vehicle).

If other types of vehicles are also included in this restriction add each of these in the same way. The most widely used examples are documented here on the wiki. taginfo for the key access may also provide inspiration, as many values are also used as keys with values of no|yes|permissive.

I would expect hgv=no to generate the right behaviour by most routers.

permanent link

answered 19 Jun '13, 21:49

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 19 Jun '13, 20:06

question was seen: 2,977 times

last updated: 19 Jun '13, 21:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum