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I'd like some advice on a node I created yesterday (my first ever edit). The name literally means "large hall" and it is used for several kinds of cultural events. Never mind that it's part of a larger cultural center and not a separate building -- it has an identity of its own including a website and my question would apply even if the place was separate, it surely applies to many similar places. As I said, it is a space hosting various cultural events, so none of the categories in JOSM apply -- or rather, several different categories would apply over time. (Some functions of the place, not all corresponding to categories I've seen, are: theatre, concert venue, exhibition space, fleamarket, and more.) It is known under its name as a cultural location so it would be good if it could appear on the map with a label. Currently the node is there but not shown. (At least I assume the reason for this being that I created it as an uncategorised node.)

asked 21 Jan '11, 19:37

SeL's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

perhaps you could list the tags you think apply? I think it sounds pretty much like an "big hall for rent", but maybe they get government money to host non-profits?

(22 Jan '11, 09:12) emj

This sounds like amenity=community_centre.

permanent link

answered 23 Jan '11, 04:13

Peter%20Dobratz's gravatar image

Peter Dobratz
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 21 Jan '11, 19:37

question was seen: 3,202 times

last updated: 23 Jan '11, 04:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum