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I am looking to use OpenStreeMap but i cant seem to find enough detail on the maps im looking for byways , unclassified roads and roads used as paths .I trail ride in england and dont seem to see enough detail on the maps , am i doing something wrong or should i be looking at ordinance survey map 50.1 for my garmin 600 with a mac book .

I am of to the isle of man in August so was looking for a detailed map of the IOM , i am fairly new to this OSM so any suggestion would help.

asked 19 Jun '13, 13:34

DODGY555's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Jun '13, 16:05

sleske's gravatar image


Thanks for your help looks like nothing is listed so im still on the case i have 4 days of riding got an os map and a garmin with a free download from the isle from garmin (bottom of the page )

i will work out later how to get them on open steet map later

(01 Aug '13, 17:09) DODGY555

OpenStreetMap is an international map and therefore can't show every single nuance of different countries' classification systems. In the UK, that means that the default map (the one you see as standard at doesn't pick out byways, RUPPs etc. differently.

However, because OpenStreetMap gives away its raw data for free, anyone can download it and make a map that highlights their items of interest. One such map is Byway Map, which does exactly what you're after.

This does, of course, depend on whether local mappers have recorded information about byways/RUPPs. On the Isle of Man it looks like they haven't, and you might be best advised to stick with the Ordnance Survey map. If you were travelling to Wiltshire, the coverage there is much better!

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answered 19 Jun '13, 14:37

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Be sure to get GPS traces of the trails you ride, and then add them to the map!

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answered 19 Jun '13, 16:33

bbgun06's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

look at

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answered 14 Dec '21, 20:44

Exrm193's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Jun '13, 13:34

question was seen: 7,015 times

last updated: 14 Dec '21, 20:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum