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I'm running a connectivity verifier over a small portion of the OSM map (New Zealand, if you're interested, but you'll guess that from the examples below).

Before I barge in and start fixing things I thought I'd better make sure that I'm going about it the right way, so here's some example problems and what I think should be done to fix them. I should point out that I haven't visited most of the places I'm planning to correct, so my first question is: is that a legitimate thing to do? Fix stuff you haven't seen?

The questions are pretty uncontroversial, but I'd rather do this all correctly than muck things up.

First, here is a one-way road that goes nowhere: you can't get out. Should the road continue through the carpark?

Here is another dead-end one-way. I assume I should connect it to the adjoining road?

Here is a road not connected to an adjoining road. There's a nearby node on Waimea road. If I understand correctly, I should connect Monaghan road to the node on Waimea (I'm guessing in this case by moving the end of Monoghan rather than by creating a short link), but I should not break Waimea Road at the intersection?

I guess my question is: what's the policy on intersections? For route-generation purposes, arcs must end at every intersection, but if I understand correctly, for OSM, there must be a shared node at every intersection, but not necessarily a break in either road. Is that right?

asked 19 Jun '13, 00:45

GeoffL's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Jun '13, 07:24

You appear to have fixed two of them which seem fine now. The car park seems to have three roads, one with a pay on exit. I don't think the in and out have to join although the out should be extended to reach the car park. Some car parks will have a route out, such as a foot path or cycle track from it which need connecting to the roads in so routers work. This one goes through the pay office so I wouldn't want to be routed through it. One other thing to do in cases of doubt it is contact the previous mapper who may have been "on the ground".

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answered 19 Jun '13, 08:22

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 19 Jun '13, 09:29

Thanks! I think I learned from reading the documentation that the right thing is to give it a go, so I did. There's plenty of carparks around and some are drawn as roads (see and some are areas. I'd prefer roads, but I guess you get what you get.

(19 Jun '13, 19:24) GeoffL

@GeoffL actually the best thing is to do both. Create a parking area instead of a single node and tag it as amenity=parking. Draw all roads leading to/from and inside the parking area. The roads inside should be tagged as highway=service and service=parking_aisle. See these examples.

(20 Jun '13, 10:36) scai ♦

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question asked: 19 Jun '13, 00:45

question was seen: 2,920 times

last updated: 20 Jun '13, 10:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum