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Some church buildings are shared by more than one congregation, so the church building would have two or more different names. (I’ve seen one with something like 5 or 6.)

How is something like this normally tagged? Thanks.

asked 17 Jun '13, 06:11

acli's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm not sure of you specific case, but the one's with which I'm familiar (mainly based on mapping around Nottingham) are:

  • One religious organisation owns the building, and others pay rent to use it. This occurs quite commonly with Quaker Meetings which often rent their meeting houses to christian groups who meet on Saturdays. Another example, Nottingham Welsh Society have a multi-denominational religous service once a month at a United Reform Church. In this case simply tag the building with the details of the owning organisation.
  • The church is a multi-denominational one (or a multi-faith centre), such as the one at Bar Hill Cambridge. The owning organisation is usually either the local community or the council. Again focus tagging on the organisation. Use a value for denomination which indicates that it serves several.
  • The church meets in other premises, for instance a school (Potter's House meet at Bluecoat School in Nottingham, the school itself is denomination=anglican) or a community centre. I have used a single node in this case, but I find this an unsatisfactory approach.

I do not tag churches which meet in other hired venues if they do not have a prominent display of meeting times on the building. For instance Beeston Quakers meet at Chilwell Memorial Hall, and the Worldwide Church of God meet at Attenborough Village Hall. A very confusing example is the Oast House Quaker Meeting in Cambridge which has been meeting at Pembroke College for around 34 years. It is named after a building on Maltings Lane where they used to meet.

In Britain a similar problem arises with Muslim places of worship: often these are in community centres and are not signed outside as such.

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answered 17 Jun '13, 09:24

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

I think what I’m seeing probably falls under either of the first two cases (probably the first), but what’s troubling is that these churches here (Toronto, Canada) often have multiple permanent signs. One example I saw yesterday has two equally large permanent signs at the front (although it’s easy to tell which is the “owner”); another has one name on the church building and a large permanent sign (with a different name) right next to it.

I guess I’ll investigate meeting times next and see if there’s an obvious way to proceed.

(17 Jun '13, 09:41) acli

What about denomination=ecumenical ?

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answered 28 Sep '18, 18:01

eteb3's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Yes, that's probably sensible for places specifically built for multiple groups: Bar Hill Church, being a good example.

(28 Sep '18, 20:28) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 17 Jun '13, 06:11

question was seen: 3,470 times

last updated: 28 Sep '18, 20:28

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