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Why is a bridgehead or lock hardly drawn in osm ? IMHO they’re buildings though. In OSM a bridge is added to a way, but whets beneath it is left out. Has or is there been some agreement or reason not to add those parts ? The same goes for other water related elements as for instance man made mooring poles.

asked 15 Jun '13, 16:21

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

I always add bridges on paths so others know they don't have to detour, wade or jump the water. When we survey we will usually remember the bridges but not remember the other details unless we take geo-tagged jpegs. Water users will probably notice water features but I guess most surveys are done on bike or foot. You can, as you know, add any features that you consider important, but they may not get rendered, they may come in useful to others users, so if you wish map them.

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answered 15 Jun '13, 17:19

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

hi andy, thanks. I just wondered, even the wiki doesnt contain values for these objects, this goes for the watermap too. So like you said I hope for more contributers.

(16 Jun '13, 22:10) Hendrikklaas

@Hendrikklaas: Do you know that the wiki has a search feature?

Key:lock in the wiki

On top of that, I already explained to you (by private message on august 5 2012) how to tag a lock.

(16 Jun '13, 23:02) cartinus

It's a chicken and the egg kind of problem, too few map mooring and locks and that means there is too little data and too little new mappers.

(17 Jun '13, 09:56) emj

This flight of locks is a bit of landmark (not watermark??) so there are some mapped.They are just nodes of course.

(17 Jun '13, 11:42) andy mackey

Hi, thanks, but I just asked it because there only a few figurate as building structures and I do consider them to be buildings with all kind of spaces and ways inside. I m not impressed by OSM numbers, they’re most of the time tagged with nodes as part of a road, route or waterway. I expect to find greater numbers in Great Brittan and even France. But I do hope for more attention on these subjects.

(17 Jun '13, 11:58) Hendrikklaas
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Locks are frequently mapped in OSM: almost 2,000 at last count.

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answered 16 Jun '13, 21:56

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 15 Jun '13, 16:21

question was seen: 2,057 times

last updated: 17 Jun '13, 11:58

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