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My 60csx turns itself off (!) everytime i use Find - Adresses!

For the rest it seems to work fine, also when using all other options and menus of poi's.

As soon as i "enter" at the Find - Adresses mainmenu the screen flaws in 2 seconds and the unit turns off.

This is after loading a new mapset yesterday, of about half of europe and about 3GB.

Anyone any idea???

asked 15 Jun '13, 08:27

Wilfried5719's gravatar image

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edited 15 Jun '13, 08:28


You'll probably need to provide a bit more information. How did you create / download the Garmin map that you're using?

If you use a smaller Garmin map does the same problem happen?

(15 Jun '13, 08:51) SomeoneElse ♦

Find - Adresses does function with a small 50Mb map. So i had Mapsource create a new (same) mapset again for testing. This took 4h30 which was much faster then the firts time. First and second img are 2.994.944 kB. With the second img the same switching off via a flawing screen occurs again at Find - Adresses.

I presume the combination of a large OSM img and the 60csx is somehow to much. It is no option for me to create many separate smaller img files (ie per country) to avoid this problem. I dont want to change sd-cards every time again.

(15 Jun '13, 18:17) Wilfried5719

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question asked: 15 Jun '13, 08:27

question was seen: 1,800 times

last updated: 15 Jun '13, 18:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum