The below code will return the lat & lon values, when i click any where on the map. The result is lon=8931183.8958044,lat=1456094.8596215
how to get the lat & lon exactly when clicking on the map what is the extact format for lat and lon Is this the correct lat & lon? because I see that the Lat & Lon comes in 2 digit (0-90) before can some one help me in converting the values? |
lonlat.lon, Is this the correct lat & lon? because I see that the Lat & Lon comes in 2 digit (0-90) before can some one help me in converting the values?
(14 Jun '13, 05:42)
I guess you have read this and noticed that it uses degrees and fractions in decimal format NOT degrees Minutes and Seconds so 45.5 deg= 45,30,00 DMS. If that does not help what lat lon were you expecting to get back from your code. Could you set it up so you know the result beforehand as a test?
(14 Jun '13, 19:46)
andy mackey
(15 Jun '13, 07:29)
This is an OpenLayers question not OpenStreetMap try GIS Stack Exchange, read a bit about projections, and this blog post might be useful