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Hi My local area has been given the wrong area name. I'd like to change that, but can only see how to edit the street name itself rather than the area name, and the area tool is only for things like parks and lakes(??).


asked 13 Jun '13, 11:22

teoclaid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Is this the area we are discussing?

(Wild guess: You see something like Balmossie but it should be something else.)

(13 Jun '13, 11:41) gnurk

That's the one ;) It extends further to the East. Balmossie is the area north of the A92, this area should be Panmurefield... Any ideas where/if I can edit that field and specify the area it covers?

(13 Jun '13, 13:02) teoclaid

alt textIdeally draw a polygon of the area and tag that. you could then copy over the node data to the polygon. That should fix the issue, it may take a while for the new polygon to work correctly in search box. see

permanent link

answered 13 Jun '13, 13:21

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 13 Jun '13, 14:15

Thank you Andy, I'll have a look over that information and give it a go!

(13 Jun '13, 13:24) teoclaid

the added pic is using the Potlatch2 editor on a win7 PC

(13 Jun '13, 14:18) andy mackey

Thanks Andy - just made the edit and it's showing correctly now.

(14 Jun '13, 13:53) teoclaid

Might want to mark the issue as solved. :)

(14 Jun '13, 14:03) n76

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question asked: 13 Jun '13, 11:22

question was seen: 3,275 times

last updated: 14 Jun '13, 14:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum