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is it possible to commit an adress to OSM via an URI?

I've got an Access database, which contains the fields postcode, city, street and company name.

I would like to commit these fields to OSM for visualizing the adress on the map.

In Google Maps, I can add the adress fields in the URI, e.g.:,+City

Kind regards, Daniel

asked 13 Jun '13, 08:41

Daniel%20Schunk's gravatar image

Daniel Schunk
accept rate: 0%

OSM uses nominatim for geocoding - use for example , where you pass the same q parameter as for google maps. You'll need to experiment with the viewbox and polygon parameters.

See and comply with the

permanent link

answered 13 Jun '13, 09:37

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 13 Jun '13, 09:39

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question asked: 13 Jun '13, 08:41

question was seen: 3,841 times

last updated: 13 Jun '13, 09:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum