Hello, is it possible to commit an adress to OSM via an URI? I've got an Access database, which contains the fields postcode, city, street and company name. I would like to commit these fields to OSM for visualizing the adress on the map. In Google Maps, I can add the adress fields in the URI, e.g.: http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q=Street,+City Kind regards, Daniel |
OSM uses nominatim for geocoding - use for example http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?q=Haarenfeld%2010%2C+Oldenburg&viewbox=8.17%2C53.16%2C8.18%2C53.15&polygon=1 , where you pass the same q parameter as for google maps. You'll need to experiment with the viewbox and polygon parameters. See and comply with the http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim_usage_policy |