I want an app that can show a map offline. I want to use openstreetmap. How can I use it on an android device? |
Orux maps ( It's on google play) works ok see this question and my answer re mapsforge. https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/21317/which-extension-to-chose-when-exporting-a-selection-for-oruxmaps-use These mapsforge's maps are compact and download quickly compared to garmin osm imgs files which Orux will also display. http://download.mapsforge.org/maps/europe/ |
CoderMinus also works well. It has a specific function for caching an area for offline use. You can check them out here: http://maps.coderminus.com/. The app is also available on GooglePlay at the following link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=coderminus.maps&feature=search_result#?t=W10. |
I use OsmAnd (in google play store), works great. Openstreetmap and built in routing features. Free version gives you 10 downloads, paid version unlimited |
Have a look at the OSM wiki about Android and then in detail for apps that can hold map tiles or own vector based maps offline. You would also have had many hints if you enter only two words in the search box of this FAQ site, namely "android" and "offline" |
It is free and you can choose and pay for Tomtom maps. I use the free option with maps from openstreetmap. |