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I have loaded OSM onto a Garmin Etrex Summit HC. However I cannot zoom in to see real detail. Do you have any suggestions?

asked 20 Jan '11, 15:48

Roy%20Page's gravatar image

Roy Page
accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jan '11, 17:10

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦


Did you generate the map yourself by using for example mkgmap, or did you download a ready-made one from somewhere on the internet?

And what details are missing that you expect to see?

(20 Jan '11, 15:59) gnurk

I have downloaded UK+Maps and Contours onto my computer and then loaded it into Garmin. I then have the choice of UK+ Contours or basemap on the computor. I have then transferred UK+contours onto my GPS.Once I zoom below 8m it tells me that I have overzoomed. It will zoom down further, and it does show some of the added detail, but it appears to ignore footpaths for instance.

(26 Jan '11, 15:50) Roy Page

On the computer I get all the detail of OSM. On the Garmin I seem to get the Basemap plus the contours

(26 Jan '11, 16:02) Roy Page

What software are you using to load the maps onto the eTrex? Garmin Mapsource?

(27 Jan '11, 03:53) Vclaw

Garmin Mapsource

(29 Jan '11, 12:49) Roy Page

I am sure the problem is with your etrex settings, to declutter the screen their some zoom choices in the menus. please look at my answer below

(29 Jan '11, 22:04) andy mackey
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

On garmin vista hcx if I select main menu. setup. map set. their are several drop down menus where you may selact what is visable at various zoom levels. garmin seems to have thought most things and three years on i'm still discovering features!

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answered 29 Jan '11, 13:31

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

It sounds like you haven't selected all of the maps to transfer from MapSource to the eTrex. Depending on which maps you are using, it might have several different layers. ie the contours on one layer, and the OSM data (roads, paths etc) on another layer.

If you use the "Map Tool" in MapSource, then just click on the tiles you want, then it will probably only select the top layer of tiles, it sounds like this is what you have done. To make sure you select all of the tiles, the best way is to use the Map Tool, and drag to draw a box. Then this should select all of the tiles and different layers in that box.

Then send the maps to the eTrex, and all of the maps should be loaded onto it, with all of the details.

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answered 29 Jan '11, 15:11

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 20 Jan '11, 15:48

question was seen: 8,184 times

last updated: 29 Jan '11, 22:04

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