I apologize if this is answered elsewhere. I'm new to this and couldn't find the answer through the ways I new how to search. Down the street from my house, there is a fire lane that is mostly used as a hiking trail, but is technically a fire lane. It is barricaded off, becomes a dirt lane, another barricade, then continues on (with the same road name). Cars can't get through, but driving directions always tell people to drive through the barricaded part of the road. This used to happen on Google Maps, but it was corrected there about 2 years ago. Apple Maps also has it right, but I don't know if it has always been that way. So, the question... How can I mark one section in the middle of a road as being inaccessible to cars while leaving the ends in place? Alternatively, can a section in the middle of a road be removed? Thanks. |
I'm also new at this but I think you can mark the ends of the restricted section by adding barrier=bollard (or barrier=gate, or whatever seems best), access=official, foot=yes to nodes at either end of the restricted area. http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/barrier#values http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Barriers http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access You might also want to split the way and add a surface=unpaved for the dirt section too. Yes. The bollard tag should be added to a node (if there is none at the position place of the bollard you need to insert a new one) of the way. The access tag should be added to the part of the way where it applies to. Yes2. Splitting the way is a good idea if it changes the physical properties - maybe should be a highway=path then.
(11 Jun '13, 21:16)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Previous questions (with answers) of the same topic: Thanks for the links. Based on what I read, I split the road into three parts and marked the middle section as inaccessible to cars (in addition to adding the barriers).
(12 Jun '13, 20:56)
Hi you could also add just one barrier at the point where you can’t get through by motorized vehicles, like here http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.340901&lon=6.679669&zoom=18&layers=M. But since threes a piece in the middle with 2 barriers, tag the way in 3 ways and mark the middle one motor vehicles no and any vehicle that can’t get through. Tag the barriers accordingly http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:barrier for instance barrier = log or debris. the other parts do need an extra tag noexit = yes. Done and done. The "noexit = yes" thing is not done. I have verified that the primary goal has been accomplished (driving directions no longer route cars through the undrivable section). What's the need for "noexit = yes" when the road is now split into three parts with the middle section being marked with barricades on either end and not accessible to cars? I want to make sure that I have done everything properly, and your post seems to indicate that "noexit = yes" is expected under this circumstance.
(12 Jun '13, 21:23)
noexit=yes "indicate[s] that there no possibility to travel further by any transport mode along a formal path or route." So, quite clear, you should NOT add noexit=yes here. What is the main reason to add this tag in other situations (see the linked wiki page)? "It helps other mappers and quality-check programs to understand the situation correctly."
(12 Jun '13, 21:53)
aseerel4c26 ♦