Hi All, I'm importing the raw OSM data into SHP files. I'm doing something similar as http://download.geofabrik.de/ after having my SHP files, I use my GIS system to create my Legend. the pint is it looks like I miss some of the data when importing the OSM into SHP file(s). I'm using the http://www.openstreetbrowser.org/ to try and identify the layer/data objects i miss but i cannot find the right objects. for example: this location: 51.22757, 2.93639 // http://www.openstreetbrowser.org/whats_here%3D51.22757%2C2.93639?zoom=16&lat=35.63607&lon=139.78090&basemap=osb&categories=&layers=&overlays= or this one: 35.63705, 139.77983 // http://www.openstreetbrowser.org/whats_here%3D139.78019597788375%2C35.636687359617866?zoom=16&lat=35.63607&lon=139.78090&basemap=osb&categories=&layers=&overlays= I have also issue with the ocean & sea... how can I identify it in the OSM raw date. Thank you in advance for any help or hint. Gil-ad
This question is marked "community wiki".
You can find shapefiles with coastline data at www.openstreetmapdata.com. I was looking into the available download data and try to import it. but.. it looks like the date is in a different projection then the one we use. I'm using the http://download.geofabrik.de/ SHP files (created by the OSM2SHP utility). it looks like the data provided on your web site is not in the same SHP format/projection . can you help and advice? Thank you, Gil-ad
(16 Jun '13, 11:45)