download USA map with itunes works on iphone3G, don't work on ipad, shows countrys, but no state and city. ? ??? |
The question has been closed for the following reason "This is a help site for OpenStreetMap, not for any third-party app that happens to use OSM data" by Richard 20 Jan '11, 17:05
You don't say what app you're using. OpenStreetMap doesn't provide an official iPhone app, so you could be talking about any of hundreds. Rather, you should contact the author of the app, and ask them. the app is the "North America-offline map with derectU" for iphone AND ipad on iphone i can klick on for country, find the state and the city ..... on ipad only the country, no list of state and city's what is going wrong ?
(20 Jan '11, 15:55)
Sorry, we cannot help you. This is not an OpenStreetMap question, it's a question about a third-party application. You need to contact the authors of the app ( or and ask them, instead.
(20 Jan '11, 17:04)
Richard ♦