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I downloaded a portion of OSM North America (NC) onto my PC (Windows 7) and it shows up in a folder called 'Garmin/Map' on my C drive. The file folder in Garmin/Map is 'OSM Generic Routable' with a bunch of files inside like '2000.typ' 63240000.mdx', xxxxx.tbd, xxxxxx_mdr.

I tried to use the OSM maps in Basecamp, which acknowledges they exist, but no map shows up on the computer.

I seem to recall that I have to do some intervention myself to get this to work correctly, but I can't find the post that explained it.

Any help apprecitated.


asked 10 Jun '13, 21:31

rockitdoc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Zoom in on the area and make sure the Basemap is not activated (ctrl-G).

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answered 11 Jun '13, 09:18

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

I renamed the automatically created folder name where the map is installed on the PC.

C:\Garmin\Maps\OSM generic routable\ (don't remember if "generic routable" or "Generic Routable") to some name which has more sense, related to the downloaded area.

The map was detected by BaseCamp when it was first installed in the original map. But after renaming it, BaseCamp does not detect the installed map any more. That's not your case. But remember not to rename that folder. Read also my post :

When I was able to see the map, this was in the original folder. But indeed, you must deactivate the current active map, and choose the new map in the list (has some name without any really significant meaning). Normally the new map will then appear.

Don't know how to give it a better name related to the area.

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answered 17 Jun '13, 21:15

Merel%20469's gravatar image

Merel 469
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Jun '13, 21:31

question was seen: 10,282 times

last updated: 17 Jun '13, 21:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum