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I have a NUVI 200W and have just downloaded map of Europe from OSM. Apparently, it is a zipped file from just over 2 Gb to 344 Mb. However, when I tried to unzip, an error message saying file is empty. properties of the file show size as 344 Mb. File name is : gmapsupp.img.nwe.22052013 I don't think I can save the file as gmapsupp.img in Garmin folder and use it on my Garmin. I have downloaded maps of Malaysia and Singapore previously and have had no problem.

asked 09 Jun '13, 08:50

leekwong's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jun '13, 14:24

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


It would help if you specify where you downloaded this map, as there are many sites that offer garmin images from OSM data.

(09 Jun '13, 10:03) RM87

Why do you think it is a zipped file ? it probably is a plain garmin img file, as trying to recompres those is usually fruitless.

(10 Jun '13, 09:14) Vincent de P... ♦

It could be that the download did not finish or failed. Do you use a download helper with your browser? If not, consider using one, they generally are more effective and you will normally see that the download was completed and successful. A map for Europe is not going to be small, typically ≥ 2GB.

(B for byte, i.e. 1MB = 1 Million Bytes, b for bit, i.e. 1Mb = 1 Million bits)


(10 Jun '13, 15:06) rockwallaby

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question asked: 09 Jun '13, 08:50

question was seen: 6,876 times

last updated: 10 Jun '13, 15:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum