Hi, I'm a new user of OSP and I don't understand why the gate with key motorcar 'no' is used by OpenRouteService as open one: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.158454&lon=20.705275&zoom=18&layers=M (node #1774628405 ) ? This is the example of such a route: http://openrouteservice.org/index.php?start=20.7022286,52.1579624&end=20.7095028,52.1559878&pref=Fastest&lang=en&noMotorways=false&noTollways=false Can anyone explain me what is wrong? Wrong definition of the road? Of the node? Of something else? |
Before looking deeper into the matter just peek at the top right corner where you can read: Instead you can try project-osrm or other services listed here on the wiki. Regards malenki |
You'd probably be better off asking the people behind OpenRouteService. Although the data used by it is quite old, (it says "OSM-Data for Routing: 29.10.12" at the top right), that gate is actually older than that.