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I am looking for a map of ecuador, where can I find it? I found a good map of ecuador in, i downloaded all the formats but anyone works in we-travel. I tried also the Mexico map available in the we-travel home page, but there is not zoom available, is there anyway to enable zooming? Could someone please help me?

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 19 Jan '11, 23:56

ervc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jan '11, 14:08

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦

I know nothing more about We-Travel than I have read in the We-Travel OpenStreetMap Wiki.

But I see that Ecuador is covered by the Colombia and Peru maps on the We-Travel Download Server.

I tried to download the Colombia map, but "by coincidence" the free service was busy and they wanted my money to proceed.

Instead I successfully downloaded Colombia from the second wiki link: Free We-Travel Downloadserver

Zoom has to be enabled when building the map, so that is nothing you can do afterwards. The status of the maps mentioned in your question is:

  • Peru No Zoom
  • Mexico No Zoom
  • Colombia Zoom 1-11

In my taste those maps are outdated, but hopefully someone else can tell us if it's possible to build your own updated map specifically for Ecuador.

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answered 20 Jan '11, 01:14

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 20 Jan '11, 01:29

You cannot install OpenStreetMap osm-files directly on your We-Travel device, but have to use the We-Travel Mapgenerator which is only available for Windows.

In order to use the map generator I have found that you have to install both Java and a MySQL server. Both are free.

Eventually I was able to run the map generator, but when trying to use an osm-file as input the conversion always exited with "ERROR OSM-CONVERT: java.lang.NullPointerException" after a while.

But, I have found that it is possible to download garmin maps in the menu and start the conversion. I guess that the garmin maps acually are OpenStreetMap maps stored in the garmin file format. And there is an Ecuador file available in the menu!

The file conversion is a very time consuming thing. According to entries on the We-Travel forum it may take more than a week(!) to generate a file for a country like Germany. Since Ecuador is a smaller country than Germany with a much smaller population it will probably take less time. But expect it to take many hours.

The We-Travel map generator will ask you if you want to generate tiles for zoom or not, and generating many zoom levels will probably slow down the conversion significantly.

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answered 20 Jan '11, 17:51

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

The We-Travel Mapgenerator ran the Garmin conversion for one and a half hour and then crashed with: "ERROR GARMIN-CONVERT: java.lang.NullPointerException".

Sorry to say that I'm giving up. I don't use We-Travel myself.

If the Colombia and Peru maps aren't sufficient for you, you may get a better answer on the We-Travel forum since that's a closed source application problem.

If you further on find out how to convert an osm file to the We-Travel format you may come back here and ask for assistance how to extract an Ecuador only osm file, if you don't know how to do that.

(20 Jan '11, 23:59) gnurk

there is a We-travel forum ... go here and ask your map, in a half day, or two, you can have your updated map.

in last december we have suffered a hacker attack, in January we moved to a new hosting service, but mapgen to work had to download the POIs from the old we-travel site, now we are reorganizing and putting up the site and the services

gnurk wrote "in my taste those maps are outdated, but hopefully someone else can tell us if it's possible to build your own updated map specifically for Ecuador."

I'm sorry but we can not test every month the state of all osm maps, also seen non-constant updates of the osm. however to do your own map with mapgen can always ask in the forum, using the old version 1.02 or wait for the release of the new version

p.s. I'm happy when someone read the wiki :)

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This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 27 Jan '11, 17:00

osmema's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Jan '11, 17:07

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question asked: 19 Jan '11, 23:56

question was seen: 13,423 times

last updated: 27 Jan '11, 17:07

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