Hi, I have a tile server (MapCache) with a personalized map. For client side's rendering I use OpenLayers. I'd like my personalized card to be accessible only on my web site, ie i don't want another website to use my map on my MapCache server. Is there any solution ? Thanks |
MapCache is available as an nginx and an Apache module; both these web servers have configuration options that would let you serve tiles only if the request matches certain conditions (e.g. has the right User-Agent or Referer header, comes from the right IP range, carries the right cookie) which you could probably use to restrict access. However, your question is a MapCache or web server configuration question that has nothing to do with OpenStreetMap and does not belong on this platform. |
Your question leads me to three questions; Could you tell why you want your map to be visible on your own site only ? Isn’t it the power of open layer that everyone is able and allowed to distribute the data freely ? What’s the relation between OSM and your problem ?
Could you tell why you want your map to be visible on your own site only ?
To limit bandwidth overuse.
What’s the relation between OSM and your problem ? However, your question is a MapCache or web server configuration question that has nothing to do with OpenStreetMap and does not belong on this platform.
Mapcache + mapserver are an example of tools to render osm data but the subject is still OSM and solutions that resolve my question