kan iemand me uitleggen hoe ik een 2é gmapsupp op de sd card van mijn zumo krijg. ik heb reeds fietsmap benelux erop en wil nu fiets map kroatie erbij maar die wil iedere keer benelux overschrijven wat natuurlijk niet mag. ik vertrek binnen 2 dagen op vakantie en had dit graag in orde gekregen. dank bij voorbaat. lojepe |
(please translate/fix someone): if the device is a "newer" Garmin device (could well be) then it may be able to handle many *.img files - they just need to have different name (rename the two gmapsupp files on your computer). It may be best to only activate one of both maps in the settings of the device then. That discussion suggests that it works. "Deze toestellen kunnen meerder *.img bestanden laden." ( --> NL:OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Download). @lojepe: Please mention if it works, if you tried it.
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Ok bedankt iedereen het werkt en zoals beschreven op NL:OSM_MAP_ON_Garmin/Download.
(05 Jun '13, 08:51)
Download OFM_EU2013_W.zip van http://www.openfietsmap.nl/downloads/europe en installeer die op je pc. En zend dan alle kaartdelen die je nodig hebt mbv Mapinstall/Basecamp of Mapsource naar de GPS of de SD kaart, dan komt alles in één kaartbestand. |
I dont know the Zumo but it seems you can do some tricks with the names: http://forum.gps.nl/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=40059&start=0 Sd card: gmapsupp.img and gmapsup1.img Internal disk: gmapprom.img, gmap3d.img gmap3d1.img gmapsupp.img gmapsup1.img |
I don't believe you will be able to have access to more than one map on the SD card in your Zūmo 660. You may have one map installed in your main Zūmo memory and one map installed on your SD card, each in a folder called 'garmin' and both maps are required to be named 'gmapsupp.img' If you wish to store one map in the internal memory, be aware that this will overwrite any map that resides there now, for example, the original Garmin map, if you still have it there. When you power up the Zūmo, go into your setting menu and go to 'map' and then select 'map info' where you should see two maps. Select what you need, even both maps if you want. On later model Garmins, such as the Montana, I believe you can have mutilpe maps on the SD card each with it's own name and selectable from the setting menu. If you don't wish to replace the map in the main memory then, what you may need to think about is to either have two SD cards, each with the maps you need. Or alternatively, have a laptop with you so you can change the map on the SD card. Another approach and what might be easier, is if you have a large SD card, is to store both maps on the SD card, but only one map in the folder called 'garmin' and the other map in a folder call something else, such 'garmin_other'. When you need the other map, connect your laptop and rename the folder, for example 'garmin' to 'garmin-old' and 'garmin-other' to 'garmin'. I say easier, as it is quicker to change the folder name than to transfer the map. You have few options, but unfortunately you can not have more than one map accessible to the Zūmo from the SD card at any one time. groets, Paul Alting van Geusau |