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When I search for 'Kondapur' I see results as "Kondapur, Srila Park Pride, Rangareddy, India". However, the actual area has simple name 'Kondapur, Hyderabad'. How do I change the address mentioned in the search results. The current result should be 'Kondapur, Hyderabad' not 'Kondapur, Srila Park Pride, Rangareddy, India'

Looks like the search result is this:

How do I change parent to Hyderabad city?

asked 02 Jun '13, 18:17

Ankit%20Jain's gravatar image

Ankit Jain
accept rate: 0%

Nominatim does not use explicitly coded "parent" relationships; instead it checks the administrative regions. In your case, the point in question lies clearly outside the Hyderabad relation

and inside the Rangareddy relation

so you would have to change these relations, more specifically change this way

which is used by both relations.

Please make sure that you only change the boundary if it really is wrong; do not change the boundary just to achive a desired effect in reverse geocoding. When you do change the boundary, be sure to place a proper changeset comment that explains why you made the change and what your sources for the change are.

permanent link

answered 02 Jun '13, 19:10

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks, this answers my question partly. I want to remove 'Srila Park Pride' and just use 'Kondapur, Hyderabad'. Srila Park Pride is a hamlet outside kondapur.

(03 Jun '13, 03:42) Ankit Jain

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question asked: 02 Jun '13, 18:17

question was seen: 6,633 times

last updated: 03 Jun '13, 03:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum