When I search for 'Kondapur' I see results as "Kondapur, Srila Park Pride, Rangareddy, India". However, the actual area has simple name 'Kondapur, Hyderabad'. How do I change the address mentioned in the search results. The current result should be 'Kondapur, Hyderabad' not 'Kondapur, Srila Park Pride, Rangareddy, India' Looks like the search result is this: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?place_id=5986067105 How do I change parent to Hyderabad city? |
Nominatim does not use explicitly coded "parent" relationships; instead it checks the administrative regions. In your case, the point in question lies clearly outside the Hyderabad relation http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/2022211 and inside the Rangareddy relation http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/2022214 so you would have to change these relations, more specifically change this way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/45674000 which is used by both relations. Please make sure that you only change the boundary if it really is wrong; do not change the boundary just to achive a desired effect in reverse geocoding. When you do change the boundary, be sure to place a proper changeset comment that explains why you made the change and what your sources for the change are. Thanks, this answers my question partly. I want to remove 'Srila Park Pride' and just use 'Kondapur, Hyderabad'. Srila Park Pride is a hamlet outside kondapur.
(03 Jun '13, 03:42)
Ankit Jain