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Je fais une carte de la ville de Bavay avec le logiciel QGIS. Mais quand je télécharge les données xml via, il manque la zone urbaine grise autour de Bavay. Pourtant la zone apparaît sur la carte du site C'est cette zone-là, qui a peut-être été mal modifiée et qu'il faut peut-être corriger :
(je télécharge ces données xml en ajoutant "full" à la fin de l'adresse : )

Dans QGIS, la zone urbaine autour de la ville n'est plus qu'un point et non un polygone. La zone urbaine intra-muros n'a aucun problème.

Toutes les modifications de Christian Cogneaux, comme celle-ci (ou encore celle-là ) ont peut-être un problème ? Ou bien je ne comprends pas tout.

(English translation - not by original author - no guarantees)

I am making a map of the town of Bavay using QGIS. However, if I download the XML data from, the grey urban area around Bavay is missing. The area is visible on the map on It is this area, which may have been edited incorrectly and which might need to be corrected:
(I downloaded the XML data by adding "full" to the URI: )

In QGIS, the urban area around the town is only a point, not a polygon. The urban area in the center has no problem.

Maybe all the edits by Christian Cogneaux, like this one (or this one: ) have a problem? Or maybe I don't understand everything.

asked 31 May '13, 15:40

Bourrichon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Jun '13, 16:36

sleske's gravatar image


I can confirm the behavious, all other polygons bordering on the residential seem to get imported correctly just the residential area not, which is neither large nor does it seem to have any geometry issues. Might be a qgis problem.

(02 Jun '13, 09:13) SimonPoole ♦

This looks like this problem: My lines and polygons have turned to nodes when exported as OSM XML data and imported into QGIS!. It is indeed a bug in QGIS, specifically the OSM plugin.

permanent link

answered 02 Jun '13, 16:43

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

OK, thank you very much and thanks for the translation.

(02 Jun '13, 20:20) Bourrichon

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question asked: 31 May '13, 15:40

question was seen: 3,040 times

last updated: 24 Mar '14, 15:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum