Hey guys, I'd like to mark a building which already has a name (it's called "City Place" -- Address: 676 North Michigan Avenue - Suite 3200 Chicago, IL 60611-2804) has the location of the German Consulate-General in Chicago. What is the best way to do this? On the other side of the street, one of the buildings is named "Royal-Thai Consulate-General", however, the building I want to mark already has its own name. Thanks for your answer; I appreciate it. Christian |
As commented to Hendrikklaas' response we don't have a proper tag for consulates. .. But what I've seen is that amenity=embassy is very widely used for also those foreign government offices that provide consular services without an embassy. While semantically slightly off it's not totally wrong as people clearly realize by using the embassy tag that the consulates provide services that embassies do. To "normal people" they are quite the same, actually. .. So, that's actually what I'd use until we have a good tag. .. You could also add the type of the consulate with consulate=consulate_general/honorary_consulate/etc. And just to emphasize in case anyone would freak out from my answer: This is what is the current de facto tagging to my understanding. I don't like it and we really should have amenity=consulate -- but we don't yet. .. Given how important POIs consulates are to people outside of their home country I would not change the current tagging until the new tag would be established. 3
The only way to establish a new tag is to use it. The sooner we use it, the sooner it gets established. There is no reason for using a wrong tag just because the correct one has been used less frequently. amenity=consulate has already been used 50 times and diplomatic=consulate has been used 228 times.
(23 May '14, 07:26)
scai ♦
Why not make this an answer: "use either of the established tags amenity=consulate (which I, like you (?), prefer) or diplomatic=consulate". In larger countries (e.g., US), and countries where the capital is not the largest city (e.g., CH) consular services are unlikely to be provided just by the embassy."
(23 May '14, 12:13)
SK53 ♦
Hi why don’t you use keys like office = foreign_consulate, operator = Germany. Did you take a look at other consulates elsewhere ? 2
To tag a consulate as an office without an amenity tag is IMO wrong. But we don't have a good tag for consulates. The thing is that while embassies (the compound) almost always has a consular section, which is actually The interface for most of the services that the "embassy" provides, there are also many many consulates without an embassy. .. I found this question while I was trying to see if we already had gotten a proper tag for a consulate -- but we don't seem to yet. This is also not the right place to discuss this as it should happen in the wiki or at the tagging list.
(22 May '14, 21:35)