Hi: I found that the osm main page use the openlayers with custom some features. I am interested in this, but I only find the compressed codes. Is it possible to get the uncompressed codes(openlayers related)? asked 30 May '13, 01:15 hguser aseerel4c26 ♦ |
I have not looked at the code before / am not involved, but I think you are searching for this: The Rails Port and especially the source code of the main osm page. Well, the main JavaScript code is still loaded into some placeholders there - somewhere (/app/assets/javascripts?) in the github repo, I guess. By the way: if I see correctly the main page uses Leaflet, not (anymore) OpenLayers.
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answered 30 May '13, 01:45 aseerel4c26 ♦ 3
In case it helps I think https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/tree/c0b47c0c2a3c31b42ef946aa6e07b85305091a0c allows you to browse the site code as it was as at the last commit before merging the Leaflet branch.
(30 May '13, 08:36)
EdLoach ♦