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I added some minor roads in Argentina, Puerto Rico. When zooming out these roads aren't visible. But older, existing roads of the same type are visible at that zoom level.


How can I make the new roads visible too?

PS: I added one of the roads a week ago and it is still not visible. That can't take that long to render, right?


Now a week later the roads are visible at that zoom level.

asked 29 May '13, 02:39

juergen%20d's gravatar image

juergen d
accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Jun '13, 20:13

@gormo: I already waited a week.

(29 May '13, 12:56) juergen d

The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem is not reproducible or outdated. Rendering issue, which is now obsolete by waiting a period of time for the re-rendering at higher zoom levels." by gormo 29 May '13, 11:27

This is caused by the time it takes to update the OSM map at various zoom levels. See this question

permanent link

answered 29 May '13, 06:10

Feilipu's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%


In other words: be patient, they'll get rendered eventually

(29 May '13, 08:12) gormo

Roads are rendered now at level 12.

(29 May '13, 11:28) gormo

I added one of the roads a week ago and it is still not visible. That can't take that long.

(29 May '13, 12:32) juergen d

Where? I can see all of your ways from your first two changesets at zoom 12. Did you clear your browser cache?

(29 May '13, 12:57) scai ♦

@scai: I added a screenshot to my question. I even used a different browser and cleared the cache just in case. The roads are not there at that zoom level.

(29 May '13, 13:24) juergen d

They are visible here. Do you use a proxy?

(29 May '13, 13:50) scai ♦

No. I have direct connection to the internet.

(29 May '13, 14:10) juergen d
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question asked: 29 May '13, 02:39

question was seen: 2,772 times

last updated: 07 Jun '13, 20:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum