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Hi, how can i add world borders into my sql database? i found it in mapnik-style but here is 5 files and i can't get coordinates from this files.

asked 27 May '13, 07:14

stevocz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you want to load shape files into a PostGIS database, check out shp2pgsql. However our Mapnik styles are usually built for reading the world boundary data directly from these shape files; there should be no need to import them into PostGIS.

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answered 27 May '13, 09:03

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

i am now imported boundaries with shp2pgsql.

this is one item. how can i from this get coordinate?

gid | cat | fips_cntry | cntry_name | the_geom / 1 | 15 | AY | Antarctica | 010600000001000000010300000001000000260000003BC .. (snipped)

(05 Jun '13, 07:12) stevocz

Use the st_astext function in your query, like "select cntry_name,st_astext(the_geom) from tablename..."

(06 Jun '13, 10:03) Frederik Ramm ♦

thank you.

your sql select work very well, but border is little moved. see picture:

on northern hemisphere is latitude moved lower about 0.2 and on southern hemisphere is latitude moved higher about 0.2

(06 Jun '13, 14:25) stevocz

i use this function for convert coordinate

double AQConverter::MercatorToLon(double x){

double rMajor = 6378137; //Equatorial Radius, WGS84

double shift  = M_PI * rMajor;

double lon    = x / shift * 180.0;

return lon;


double AQConverter::MercatorToLat(double y){

double rMajor = 6378137; //Equatorial Radius, WGS84

double shift  = M_PI * rMajor;

double lat    = y / shift * 180.0;

lat = 180.0/ M_PI * (2 * qAtan(qExp((lat * M_PI) / 180.0)) - M_PI / 2.0);

return lat;


(06 Jun '13, 14:30) stevocz

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question asked: 27 May '13, 07:14

question was seen: 16,398 times

last updated: 06 Jun '13, 14:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum