When a gpx file is dragged onto the iD editor window, any tracks in it appear in the window. But waypoints in the file do not appear. How do I get them on to it? Thanks, Roger
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Maybe you should open a feature request at the github page of the iD editor.
... that is here: https://github.com/systemed/iD/issues . Indeed it is as far as I know not possible currently. Only tracks are shown.
Today (oct.13) waypoints appear. However only one gpx-file is shown. That's not good because my garmin stores waypoints and tracks in different files.
@hfst: As a workaround you could merge your gpx files for example in any text editor. For example copy the
sections (one for each waypoint) into your track gpx file right before the</gpx>
at the end of the file.@aseerel4c26: as potlatch2 is able to display more than one gpx-file I think that this should also work for ID
@hfst: to be clear, I did not mean to say the opposite. I only presented a workaround if you currently want to use iD (which this question is about).