Hi Iam quite new to open street map so have a pretty basic question How would I go about extracting all the street data from an osm file. Eg Street number , street name, suburb, post code , long, lat Regards Adrian |
The tag you'll find most streets under is Also, what is the lat/lon of a street in your context - the middle node? Suburbs and postcodes are not connected to streets other than through their respective geographic location, which means you need at least some kind of GIS-like functionality to get the suburb for a street (or hope there are addresses that reference the street). Probably you need to load a suitable OSM extract into a PostGIS database and work from there. You can start with http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osm2pgsql and read on from there. Also, note that OSM street data is not complete and that suburb data quality and quantity and suburb tagging may vary from country to country. So no, thats not a basic question. |
You are not the first one asking this question. Please type keywords like "extract street" or similar in the searchbox of this FAQ site, and you will get a number of hints about your aim. |