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I have downloaded the "generic routable" OSM map from to my 60Cx and BaseCamp. On BaseCamp the map has cross hatching lines which are very irritating. A friend who also has this map from a long time ago does not have these lines. Can you explain this please?

screenshot (click for full image)

asked 23 May '13, 19:00

Beachnik's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 May '13, 13:15

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Where (URL) did you download the map?

(23 May '13, 19:27) aseerel4c26 ♦

Please take a screen shot, and then edit and paste it into your question. I have a military base on my Basecamp map which is signified with diagonal red lines, but this was the style of rendering my map supplier choose for his design. I presume your cross hatching is over the whole map.

(23 May '13, 21:55) andy mackey

(note to others: I have answered a mail of Beachnik via mail regarding problems inserting the screenshot, I wrote (for you andy): "You could upload your image at the external site (upload is top right) and just mention/paste the image URL on the help page in your question.")

(24 May '13, 03:18) aseerel4c26 ♦

Useful link for pics, but I thought you had solved cross hatch, silly me. thanks

(24 May '13, 14:58) andy mackey

That's the default (very ugly) way how Garmin renders wood and forests:

If you have downloaded the map from, you can choose the new layout or the basic map with "mapnik" typ file, this will render it as it should: green.

permanent link

answered 24 May '13, 17:04

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


The Olympic Forest tag was deleted from the lower hatched area which would go along with your knowledge.

(24 May '13, 19:04) andy mackey

Thank you all, I have downloaded the map again and this time I have no criss crossing lines. I clicked the mapnik typ as suggested. I don't know why this made a difference but I am glad.

(25 May '13, 03:11) Beachnik

The typ files are making the difference. Without Typ file the maps are ugly with those criss crossing lines :-)

You can even edit the typ file too customize the colours and appearance of the map if you want,

(25 May '13, 20:24) ligfietser

Thank you again. I may try this when I have some time. How do I now flag this question as solved?

(26 May '13, 05:04) Beachnik

A questioner should be able to see a small tic below the thumbs up and down of each answer. Click on the one that answers your Q the best and it should turn green. This is good to do as it sort of closes it, and give new researchers a pointer to best answer.. not always the most voted answer though.

(26 May '13, 07:33) andy mackey

Only spam and off topic questions get closed. Old questions get picked up when somebody as something else to add.

(26 May '13, 07:38) andy mackey

to highlight the difference more and to avoid potential confusion: close is different from accepting an answer. Closing is not relevant here.

(26 May '13, 12:52) aseerel4c26 ♦
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

OSM is just a database and many many different maps and services are made of it. You can download a different Garmin map if you want to try.

Interesting - same problem, same area: Solution there: use another map provider.

If the cross hatching lines would mean "grid" (I see now in the screenshot that it is no grid here) they could be a feature of your BaseCamp and you just would need to switch it off in the options.

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answered 23 May '13, 19:27

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 25 May '13, 00:51

I am a very “old’ user of Garmin GPS, and I have successively used Etrex vista, 60, 64 and now the new Garmin 66. I mainly use these equipment’s for trail running or long Hiking.
For a long time I used the Garmin Maps and more recently OSM Maps. In the case of OSM maps, I regularly participate to their improvement. I also work personally on the improvement of "typ" files for a good display on my GPS and on Basecamp.

As a general rule, I need maps for France but also maps for France near Switzerland, and Italy. So, to have the nice maps, I used for France, the maps downloaded from:,

and for the borderlines countries, the maps downloaded from: (ex: maps for Ultra Trail Mont Blanc on GPS )

The main problems with these choices:
– Need some works and time to have good maps (adding contourlines,..)
– Very poor “Typ” file, so you need improvements with tools like TYPWizz or mapedit to have an acceptable viewing on the GPS;
– Not easy to have good DEM data; in general only SRTM data are available. And in Basecamp only the Longitude and latitude are displayed;
– Poor description of polygons;
– Only a few category of paths or tracks (in general all paths are of the same class: no group 1, group 2,..);

Recently, I discovered openMTBmap

I immediately realized that the map that are produced by "openMTBmap" are all I have always wanted to have:
– Very good “typ” files and especially very complete
– Complete description of all sorts of polygons,
– Very good DEM data on the basis of comparisons between registered tracks with the new Garmin 66 see: (Chapter: Contourlines/DEM data)
– In Basecamp, DEM data (Altitude) are all displayed simultaneously with Latitude and longitude .
– Installation process very easy;
- During installation of map and after, you have a choice between 6 layout for different activities (mountain bike, trail, car,..)
Here is a link to a PDF file, with Polygons and Polylines examples in the "typ" file, and maps near BELLINGHAM, at different zoom level.

Gerard C

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answered 14 Sep '19, 17:19

Woinic's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 May '13, 19:00

question was seen: 16,605 times

last updated: 14 Sep '19, 17:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum