Spent a long time drawing what I thought was a closed way which is salt marsh. I had done this before on another area and it rendered out with marsh grass showing as I wanted. I have this area tagged the same so I was puzzled when the rendered map did not show the grass. Upon looking more closely, I see that I have two different ways. Even though they are joined with the black square showing, they each have a different way number and apparently the renderers do not consider this a closed way. Any way to make the two ways one? I was hoping not to have to redraw it. |
To combine two ways in Potlatch 2:
Richard's answer above is correct. Thank you. In Potlatch 2, by Control-clicking each of the two ways they are both selected. Then clicking the little 'chain-link' icon joins them and (I believe) makes the new joined way into one numerical way. Before I had them joined by the black square but in fact they were two different numerical ways. I wish there was a better help text for Potlatch 2. This editing technique seems so simple yet I keep running into these little editing quirks which I can't figure out. Nevertheless, I like the editor very much and continue to learn.
(19 Jan '11, 15:04)
What do you mean with joined by the black square? I can't see a black square.
(24 Aug '13, 03:51)