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I just joined and downloaded OsmAnd Beta 1.2.1 onto my Android phone. I can search by map location, POI, and lat/lon, but not a street address. I enter Region, City and Street name, and it takes them just fine. However, when I attempt to enter anything for Building, such as an address, nothing happens. If I want one of the choices that pops up for Building that works, but if I want something else, an address I know for a fact to be a valid address, nothing happens. Examples: I tried to locate the Doubletree hotel at 92 Southampton Row, London. When I go through the POI process it finds it fine. But entering the address doesn't. Same thing when I search for an address in the US.

So what am I doing wrong?

asked 22 May '13, 00:48

WTPooh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 May '13, 16:40

stephan75's gravatar image



What software have you just installed "beta 1.2.1" of?

(22 May '13, 01:33) SomeoneElse ♦

The mentioned address is present in OSM and has been there for over a year so it must either be a software issue or the software has very old data.

(22 May '13, 08:05) Frederik Ramm ♦

Actually, the addr:street tag value is mis-spelt (Southhampton for Southampton), so this might be the cause of the problem in that particular case.

(22 May '13, 08:31) sdoerr

The OP is likely referring to OsmAnd. Text changed to reflect that.

(22 May '13, 13:18) SimonPoole ♦

More examples please. It may be that the housenumber data simply is not existent in the OSM data in the areas in question.

(22 May '13, 15:29) aseerel4c26 ♦

It seems that the mentioned hotel is this one:

addr-data seems to be fine in OSM raw data ... so it is more an issue of Osman's mapcreator process.

Come on over to!forum/osmand

where we can go deeper in detail.

(22 May '13, 16:45) stephan75

As I said above, addr-data is NOT fine in OSM.

(22 May '13, 23:12) sdoerr

I've now corrected addr:street for three addresses in Southampton Row. The question implies an issue that is wider than just that street so we need some more examples.

(26 May '13, 23:15) sdoerr
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question asked: 22 May '13, 00:48

question was seen: 15,556 times

last updated: 26 May '13, 23:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum