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I am examining data imported into a PostGIS database with osm2pgsql and I have noticed some values in the osm_id (which I assume is unique) are negative. Is that ok?

asked 18 Jan '11, 13:28

Tomas%20Pajonk's gravatar image

Tomas Pajonk
accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jan '11, 09:17

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦

osm_id is only unique within element types in OSM database (but not in osm2pgsql schema, see the comment from pnorman below). So the same osm_id can apply to a node, a way and a relation. That's why osm2pgsql polygon table changes the sign of the relation id when it comes from relations and the original positive way id when it comes from simple closed ways.

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answered 18 Jan '11, 13:49

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 03 Jul '14, 12:12

Thank you.

(18 Jan '11, 17:00) Tomas Pajonk
(02 Apr '13, 14:13) geekQ

osm_id is not unique in osm2pgsql's tables. Long ways are split by osm2pgsql into multiple rows with the same osm_id and multipolygons with distinct areas are also split into multiple rows.

(29 Sep '13, 05:58) pnorman

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question asked: 18 Jan '11, 13:28

question was seen: 11,874 times

last updated: 03 Jul '14, 12:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum