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Why does the offline map for my current location (downloaded and active) not display on my android (Samsung Galaxy Ace) screen, although OSM does display my vehicle speed and position [derived from phone GPS]? The screen displays a message saying "No offline vector map present for this location" - but I have downloaded vector map for my lovcation and it is active. I must be missing something obvious I suppose!

asked 20 May '13, 22:57

dogbert's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I assume you have a third party android navigation app running, that will probably be where the problem is, not OSM map data.

(20 May '13, 23:14) andy mackey

@dogbert: which app do you use? However, it may be more usefull to ask the app creator's support or read their help pages. Note: OSM itself does not create any apps.

(21 May '13, 00:23) aseerel4c26 ♦

To view maps off line the app you have running needs to have stored or cached the map while on-line. The app may have settings for this, so best to read the apps help files.

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answered 20 May '13, 23:22

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 20 May '13, 22:57

question was seen: 1,889 times

last updated: 21 May '13, 00:23

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