Hello, I'm help a little town in France who actually use Quantum Gis, i creat for us the database for 855 point of street light with other data like coordinate, power, lenght of the pole,... I can extract data to csv file but how can i import data directly to Openstreetmap ? I see on website i can put the data to Cartodb.com and display a layer above Openstreetmap, but it seem extremly complex for me. I have no budget to create a GIS server. Have you got a simple solution to do that ? I wan't to tell to the mayor, the locals can participate in the update data. But how is defined the principle of validation is that the mayor has always given control over to revalidated. The goal is to be certain that erroneous data is not added. Best regards. Addition: For readability I put only one line with the header, of course I can put following the OpenStreetMap format separation value as "," or ";" in the end you see the geographical coordinates Lambert93 I can convert WGS84 if necessary.
I usually convert csv to OSM format using awk, but you are maybe more happy with this csv2osm script. hth Thank you malenki for your fast answere. I use windows and i don't know pearl language, i know GIS software like Quantum Gis, Autocad map 3D. I know xhtml, css and Autoit so you see i'm not really a programmer. Can you develop me the whole process ? 1 - convert csv to OSM 2 - How to import 855 line in OSM into Openstreetmap ? Thanks.
(20 May '13, 20:52)
The linked file contains helpful hints in English. As I said I didn't use it myself (it doesn't match my purposes). When you want to run it, you have to install the [perl environment][1] before. Then you can run the script with perl $scriptname.
(21 May '13, 22:28)
After converting you can load the OSM file with QGis or JOSM and check if the data is located and tagged correctly. Before you upload anything you should have ticked off every point of the Import Guidelines - maybe compare if the English version of the guideline has some more information. btw: I am less coder then you are. The little HTML I made I just copied. ;)
(21 May '13, 22:28)
Try adding csv in the blank window below Questions and youll find several similar questions and solutions. You even could transfer the inventarisation into a community project and add several participants to tag. |
Please understand that in OSM there is no "protected" data. If you enter street lights into OSM then others can edit that data. You, the mayor, or others can watch these edits of course but you will not be asked to approve them. |
There is a OpenData plugin (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/OpenData) for the JOSM editor. It allows one to import CSV-files and can convert from a number of coordinate systems, such as Lambert. But as others wrote, the import of data has to be described on the wiki 2
Because of this, I strongly recommend to coordinate with the french OSM community, who can be reached at http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=22 .
(21 May '13, 10:32)
Aside from the technical question, make sure that you are aware that there are quality standards for imports. In particular, consensus in the local community and documentation are mandatory. It's also good to have solid previous experience with OSM before performing an import.